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DC New 52 Batgirl


White Desert Sun, Brian Boling, Jason Chau
Why I chose to make this costume:

I chose the New 52 Batgirl a few months ago as a costume challenge because I love the design and Babs has been such an influential, iconic character in the Batman Universe for decades. There have been so many incredible renditions of Batgirl in the past, but the re-design really resonated with me because it is so modern and utilitarian, yet retains the classic Batgirl silhouette. I also thought the suit's details and armor would provide a neat craftsmanship challenge.

How I made this costume:

I started collecting materials months ago, but made the costume in 3 weeks starting over New Year's Eve weekend. It was a very fast build, especially with rubber materials that take 16+ hours to cure. Each test piece, each mold, each cast needed enough time to dry and cure, so I made the costume around the armor building, using the down time in between to sew. 
I want to write up a proper detailed construction note when I release all the photos from the shoot and make a gallery for my website. For now here is a breakdown of materials:

  • Armor made from plastic (chest piece & shoulders) and urethane rubber (abdomen)

  • Undersuit made from a shiny and a matte stretch pleather

  • Cape made from matching black and gold pleather, with lead cape weights

  • Gauntlets made with Worbla & foam, covered in the same gold pleather I made the gloves out of

  • Boots used to be thigh high boots, I altered them severely. A note about the high heels: yes I know they are not accurate. BUT I am so short and the costume is so padded out with the armor and pleathers that I need some help on the height front to pull off that look.  :)

  • Belt made from gold-powdered urethane rubber

Costume made from scratch by Yaya Han
Armor designed by Yaya, made with guidance and help from Brian Boling.
Batgirl cowl kindly provided by the magical Reevzfx!!

Thoughts on this costume:

This is a super warm costume, but I feel so badass in it! It's definitely not one I can wear at every con, but I will take it to any event I can!

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